Let's grow together.

March 24 at 9:45am marks our launch of our Growth Bible Classes! Check out the numerous classes and see which class fits best!

72 Pasos - Siguiendo las huellas de Jesús

Spanish Class
Leader: Luis Done 

Growing By Sowing - Getting Involved

Mighty Oaks Ministry | 55+ Community
Leader: Terry Osborne

Walking Through the Fire - The Trial of Your Faith

XtraOrdinary Love Class
Leader: Pastor Schutt

I Quit - The Emotionally Healthy Woman

Women's Class | Women of Worth
Leader: Nicky Schutt

Bring It - Facing Goliath

Men's Class | The Disciplined Disciple
Leader: Eddie Owens

Making Legends - Life Principles from Compelling Bible Characters

Seasonal Class
Leader: Stephen Buettner 

The Faithful Spiritual Leader - A Study of Leadership Throughout the New Testament

Jr/Sr High Boys Class
Leader: Eric McCleary

The Study of Elijah - How Faith Is Strengthened in Famine

Jr/Sr High Girls Class
Leader: Alyssa Schutt